Monday, June 30, 2008

Type VI GT - Autonomous, Work the System Well

The Type VI gifted child is the autonomous learner. Few gifted learners demonstrate this type at a very early age although parents may see evidence of this style at home. Like the Type 1s, these students have learned to work effectively in the school system. However, unlike Type 1s who strive to do as little as possible, Type VIs have learned to use the system to create new opportunities for themselves. They make the system work for them. They have strong, positive self-concepts because their needs are being met; they are successful, and they receive positive attention and support for their accomplishments as well as for who they are. They are well respected by adults and by peers and frequently serve in some leadership capacity within their school or community. They are independent and self-directed. An important aspect of the Type VI is their strong sense of personal power.

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